WAX Blockchain Resources: CPU, NET & RAM

WAX Blockchain is a leading platform for dApps and digital collections, attracting top brands and collectors worldwide. Understanding its core resources — NET, CPU, and RAM — is key to navigating this digital landscape. Let’s explore these essentials to get you started.

NET & CPU: The Heartbeat of WAX Transactions

The WAX Blockchain relies on two key bandwidth resources: NET and CPU, ensuring smooth operations:

  • NET: Manages data volume, enabling transactions like buying or selling digital collectibles.

  • CPU: Dictates transaction speed, with availability fluctuating based on network activity.

Staking WAX Tokens increases your bandwidth, giving you an edge during high-demand periods, like major collectible drops.

Bandwidth Allocation

When you stake WAX Tokens, you allocate them to NET or CPU, deciding how much bandwidth you get. Anticipating high activity? Allocate more to CPU for smoother transactions.

New to WAX? Start with a 10:1 CPU:NET ratio. Staked tokens also let you vote for the Top 21 Guilds and earn rewards. Need your tokens back? Unstake them with a 72-hour cooldown before they’re returned.


In addition to NET and CPU, RAM is a vital resource on the WAX Blockchain, serving as permanent storage for key data like digital collectible ownership and token balances.

Here’s why RAM matters for collectors:

  • Account Creation: Creating or updating a WAX Account requires RAM. Accounts made via My Cloud Wallet include 3KB of starting RAM.

  • dApps: Applications like digital collectible galleries rely on RAM to store data, with every interaction using some of this resource.

  • Buying & Selling: RAM is limited and traded on a marketplace, with prices fluctuating by demand. Expanding your activities, such as hosting events or building custom galleries, may require purchasing more RAM.

Last updated